Enterprise Questionnaire

Enterprise Questionnaire

The purpose here is to establish the pricing model for your enterprise

Introduction to Disti.ai A leader in distributed intelligence solutions. We specialize in transforming data into actionable insights through our advanced AI technology. Our services are designed to help businesses enhance their operational efficiency and decision-making capabilities. To tailor our offerings to your unique needs, we request you to complete the Enterprise pricing questionnaire. This brief form will help us understand the services you require and customize our solutions accordingly. It should take no more than 10 minutes to complete, with each module explained as you progress. Thank you for your interest in Disti.ai. We will review within 72 hours and respond with next steps.
If your company is part of a Group enter the name here
Company Address(Required)
Which Countries does your Company operate within?(Required)
Disti.ai will provide data for Companies commencing in Australia, understanding where your firm operates, will help us prioritise the roll out.
Which Industry Sectors are within your Target Market ?(Required)
Select from Multiple Master Categories. There are 20 Master categories. In our platform there are 215 Sub categories and a further 2813 third level categories all mapped back to a Master. This allows amazing granularity within your data sets once populated.
All disti.ai users are required to subscribe to the Standard Modules
CRM Module(Required)
CRM Module includes, CRM (Contacts, Customers, Leads) and the ability to connect the Contact Customer and Lead to an Australian ABN.
Pro CRM Module
How many Licenses do you anticipate needing for each department?
Including CFO, FD, AC's Manager, Credit Controller(s),
Including Sales Reps & Directors
How may Customer Profiles do you intend to import?
Approximately how may Product SKU's do you sell? This includes all Historical SKU's you intend to import. (SKU _ Stock Keeping Unit or part Number)
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 32 MB, Max. files: 10.
    It is really helpful for us to understand your business model. Uploading your current Catalogue and Standard Wholesale price list enables us to consider the proposition.
    How may Financial Years of Sales History do you intend to import?
    AiE - Leads - Search by COMPANY Entity
    Select your Preferences
    AiE - Leads - Search by Personnel / Employee Entity You want to be able to search at a Granular level for Employees / Personnel (for example) with a specific Job Title, by Location, Involved in a Certain ANZSIC code type of work (i.e. Mining)
    Select your Preferences
    AiE Enhanced Sales Dashboard You want to be able to Create Customised Reports and Save them for future use. You want to be able to Create Customised Dashboards
    Select from the following
    AiE Enhanced Credit Management You want to be able to manage Credit & Risk at Granular Level
    Select from the following
    AiE – Predictive Marketing Do you want to be able to predict: Where to advertise, whom to advertise, why to advertise.
    Select from the following:
    Integrations: We need to understand your business requirements, when it comes to maintaining Customer Data, Sales Data and Mailing Lists & Groups Please advise us which Systems you are using for the following Functions (it can be multiple)
    Select from the following
    Select the frequency (in a perfect world) to maintain Data Synchronicity?
    Each Sync of data (or groups of data) will consume an API call. And consume a Token. Ultimately this will lead to Costs - please consider this when you provide your answer. Typically you will be able to maintain each Module update timing individually.
    FYI - All disti.ai data is hosted by Microsoft Azure and the data centre is located in Australia (East). Tell us if your company has any specific policies we need to be aware of when implementing a solution for you and your group.